Articles on: Integrations

Use API to show total amount of trees planted

In some cases, you may want to display the total number of trees you have already planted without using our Tree Counter widget.

This may be the case if you have a special area on your website where you showcase your business' sustainable efforts and implement a custom solution to display the number of trees you've planted.

Using our public API, you can display the actual number of trees you have planted.

Since the ReviewForest public API is still in beta, please contact customer support to get a personal token.
Later, you will get & manage your API keys inside your account in

1) Contact customer support to receive your personal token
2) Lookup your forests slug
e.g. if your forest URL is, then the forest slug is my-forest

3) In order to connect to our public API, access:

Method: GET
curl -H 'apikey: YOUR_API_KEY'

Updated on: 02/03/2023

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