Articles on: Review forest & tree planting
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How to change the link (URL) of your review forest

How to change the URL of your review forest

Each review forest at ReviewForest has a unique link. The technical term for these links is URL. You share this URL with your customers so they can find your review forest and leave reviews.

A typical ReviewForest URL looks like this:

The part after "" is customizable and is often referred to as the "slug". In this example, "your-business" would be the slug.

How to change the URL:

Go to Review forests in your ReviewForest Dashboard

Find the review forest whose URL you want to change
Click on "Manage" next to the desired review forest
Select "Change Name & URL" from the dropdown menu
In the window that opens, you'll find the "Forest URL" field

Change the part of the URL after ""

When changing the URL, you should keep a few things in mind:
Use only lowercase letters, numbers, and hyphens
No special characters or spaces allowed
Maximum of 18 characters after the slash
The shorter and more memorable, the better

Important: Before changing the URL, please carefully read the following consequences:
Your previous link to your review forest will no longer work.
Customers who have the current link will not be able to find your review forest.
You must update the following materials: All printed templates (e.g., business cards, flyers) must be reprinted. Already used digital templates must be manually replaced. Your ReviewForest email signature must be updated. QR codes that refer to your review forest must be recreated.
All external links (e.g., on your website or social media) must be adjusted. This only affects manual links. The widgets update themselves automatically.

Tips for a good URL:

- Use your company name or an abbreviation of it
- Keep it short and easy to remember
- Avoid complicated or long words

Instead of:

With a well-chosen URL, you make it easier for your customers to leave reviews and find your forest! A short, memorable URL is particularly important when customers need to enter it on their mobile phones. The simpler, the better!

Updated on: 23/01/2025

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