Articles on: Review forest & tree planting
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Which Reviews Lead to Planting Trees?

Thanks to you and your customers' feedback, we plant trees together, giving life to a real forest. Here, we clarify which reviews actually result in tree planting and why it works like this with us.

1. Capturing Reviews - This Is How We Do It

Automatically: We automatically scan for new reviews on the review platforms that you've linked with your review forest. For instance, our system checks daily on Google for new incoming reviews.
Everything in Sight: Every new review that comes in during your membership is registered, no matter where it originates from.

2. Every Review = One Tree

No Matter Where It's From: We plant a tree for every one of your reviews, whether the reviewer previously came across ReviewForest to the review platform or elsewhere.

3. Why We Count All Reviews

Technology and Data Privacy: Accurately tracking the reviewer's path to the review is technically impossible. For instance, Google doesn’t share where the reviewer came from. Also, personal data, like the real name, are not shared due to data protection reasons.
Various Paths, Same Destination: Even if we could technically do so, it would often be unclear whether someone was made aware of the tree-planting action through a review card, social media post, poster, etc., and then directly searched for your company name, leaving a review on Google & Co.
In Compliance with Rules: We adhere to the rules of review platforms like Google & Co. and also respect competition law. Favoring certain reviews would not only violate guidelines but also legal requirements, as such reviews would have to be marked accordingly.

4. Handling of Fake Reviews or Removed Reviews

Fair Together: We practice Fair Play and that includes dealing consistently with fake reviews or reviews that violate applicable law.
Cost Credit: If a review was removed from the platform, just write to us! We will credit you the cost of the tree planting.
Digital vs. Real Forest: The tree in your digital forest will be removed, but the real tree? It continues to stand and do good for our planet. The credit will then be accredited through another planting by you.

In Conclusion

In short, every review plants a tree. Regardless of whether the reviewer came via the ReviewForest platform.

In the ReviewForest community, it's not just about planting trees only for the reviews that were triggered by our action. Rather, the focus is on us collectively doing something good for our environment and thereby everyone benefits – the business, the customers, the forests, and our Earth.

Updated on: 15/11/2023

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